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What to expect


If this is your FIRST VISIT with us, please choose:

NEW PATIENT 60 minute treatment - INITIAL VISIT

(Returning clients please book "subsequent" treatments)


During your first appointment


After you've booked an appointment with us, a client intake form will be sent to your email.  Please be sure you've completed this form before you arrive for your RMT appointment.


RMTS have taken an Oath as a Health Care Practitioner.  Your intake form will help them understand the reasons for your visit.  Do your best to answer all questions and if they need to, they will follow up with you to get exact information during your initial appointmentThe more questions they have to ask, the less hands-on time will be provided during your first appointment. This intake form helps our Therapists provide you with the best results during treatment.


The RMT will leave the room so you may undress and lay down on the hydraulic massage table between a set of sheets.

You will be draped with a sheet at all times and only the area being directly treated will be uncovered.

After the treatment, your RMT may discuss stretching and strengthening exercises to perform at home as well as

using ice / heat and possible changes in routine that aggravate your injury.


We do not offer Direct Billing.  Please see FAQs.


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